November 8, 2023
Dr. Habib Al Mulla
Café Comptoir Abel
3 / 5
Comptoir Abel, the oldest bistro in Lyon. Very classic atmosphere. Wood panels and lots of pictures hanging on the wall. Tried their specialty dish Pike Quenelle. I found it to be soft. Next time I should try their chicken and rice dish. Looked tempting
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Every photo featured on The Food Advocate is captured by Dr. Habib Al Mulla during dining experiences. These images represent the real dishes and environments, ensuring that what you see is exactly what was experienced. No stock images or third-party photos are used.
Average PPP
The Food Advocate ensures that the average "Price per Person" or PPP focuses solely on the cost of food, excluding alcohol. All bills are paid by Dr. Habib Al Mulla unless otherwise specified, and the calculation is based on the total bill for the items ordered. This transparency ensures that our readers receive a true reflection of food-related dining costs.
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