February 9, 2023
Dr. Habib Al Mulla
Arafat Sweets
3 / 5
Arafat Sweets, serving Arabic or Ghazzawi kunafa, which tends to be slightly salty, and more creamy, with the distinctive Gaza flavors of nuts, nutmeg, and cinnamon that replace the cheese. Rating is #good
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Every photo featured on The Food Advocate is captured by Dr. Habib Al Mulla during dining experiences. These images represent the real dishes and environments, ensuring that what you see is exactly what was experienced. No stock images or third-party photos are used.
About this Restaurant
Open for Business
In 1912 two brothers, Mohammad and Ahmad and their mother went from Gaza, Palestine to Beri Al Saba in the Negav Desert with only a tent and a dream at the start of WWI. They set up a make shift restaurant where Turkish Soldiers would eat and some would pay and some wouldn’t.