April 11, 2022
Dr. Habib Al Mulla
Küşleme Kebaphan
4.5 / 5
A fantastic dinner at Küşleme Kebaphan. They serve great Küşleme (fatless and nerveless meat stretching on both sides of sheep's backbone) but their Pistachio Kebab is just amazing. My rating is Excellent
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Every photo featured on The Food Advocate is captured by Dr. Habib Al Mulla during dining experiences. These images represent the real dishes and environments, ensuring that what you see is exactly what was experienced. No stock images or third-party photos are used.
About this Restaurant
Open for Business
Küşleme Kebaphan typically serves Turkish cuisine, focusing on kebabs and other traditional Turkish dishes. “Küşleme” refers to a type of kebab made from tenderloin, so you can expect a variety of kebabs and grilled meats along with traditional Turkish appetizers, breads, and sides.