Restaurant 104 - The Food Advocate

Restaurant 104

4/5 Very Good

Restaurant 104, Very Good

Restaurant 104, Very Good
4 5 0 1
Restaurant 104 is the smallest fine dining Restaurant in London with just 12 seats. Head chef Richard Wilkins has trained at some serious places over the years, including Petrus, Pic, The Hardwick, Le Bristol and The Waterside Inn. Mr Wilkins is the only chef in the kitchen. The A5 grade wagyu was the highlight of the meal; perfect marble and buttery taste. My rating is Very Good.
Restaurant 104 is the smallest fine dining Restaurant in London with just 12 seats. Head chef Richard Wilkins has trained at some serious places over the years, including Petrus, Pic, The Hardwick, Le Bristol and The Waterside Inn. Mr Wilkins is the only chef in the kitchen. The A5 grade wagyu was the highlight of the meal; perfect marble and buttery taste. My rating is Very Good.
Total Score
  • A5 Grade Wagyu
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